• No. The College Flyover project is limited to reconfiguring the I-10/I-12 westbound interchange and building a new College Drive exit ramp. The larger I-10 widening project will improve the I-10 corridor from LA 415 in West Baton Rouge Parish to the Essen Lane exits on I-10 and I-12. For more information about that project, please visit www.i10br.com.

  • Construction is anticipated to be completed in spring of 2025, weather permitting.

  • Some intermittent, temporary lane closures will be necessary to accommodate construction, but most of those lane closures will last no more than a few days and will be done at night and on weekends.

  • This project is designed to improve traffic flow and safety at the I-10/I-12 westbound interchange through an updated design and the addition of a dedicated College Drive exit ramp. Upon completion, I-12 westbound lanes approaching the I-10 merger will be shifted to the south, next to the I-12 eastbound lanes. The elevated section of I-10 westbound that now passes over I-12 eastbound will be expanded to pass over I-12 eastbound and westbound. These rebuilt sections of I-12 and I-10 each will have a separate lane for traffic exiting at College Drive, and those separated lanes will merge to form one dedicated College Drive exit ramp. Through this new design, drivers on I-10 will no longer have to change several lanes of traffic in a short distance to exit College Drive.

  • In a design-build project, a construction contractor and engineer-designer work as a team on design and construction plans for large-scale projects. This allows construction to move forward on some aspects of the project while design plans for later tasks are being finalized. This differs from the traditional design-bid-build process, in which an engineering team designs the project, the owner bids out the construction work, and a contractor builds the project.